NDT of multiple pipework tie-ins
When pipework is fabricated, it is subject to manufacturing standards, in most cases BS EN or ASME. The same is true when that said pipework is installed onsite – It is subject to Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) to the particular standard used to manufacture it.
Here at Sutro Group, we offer our NDT inspections to both BS EN and ASME standards, to allow fabrication companies versatility during the manufacturing process.
Many onsite installations (or tie-ins) will require a range of different NDT applications in order to satisfy the particular use of the pipework i.e. pressure, length, product within etc. and of course the method used in its creation i.e type of weld, material, size/bore etc.

This technicians are undertaking a number of different NDT applications , including Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Material Particle Inspection MPI and Hardness Testing (HT) as well as piecework preparation.
Working with the client beforehand to establish the correct work scope and NDT regime, the pipework was also NDT tested at the fabrication workshop to ensure quality management was adhered to.

Following the inspections a range of fabrication workshop and site specific reports were undertaken and presented to the client both in both electronic and hard copy.
A big thank you to our valued client. Until next time.